River civilization indus at indians has showed proof existence about tooth medical treatment in time 7000 year prechristian. This fact is eldest proof about tooth treatment involvement in human civilization life. From existing proof visible practice existence shaped tooth drilling. Where found proof that show that method done effectively and solutif.
From draft sumeria year 5000 prechristian explained that caterpillar has been cause the happening of caries (tooth hole). Opinion that caterpillar is cause caries found at ancient indians, ancient egypt, japanese, and china. This caterpillar legend also found at article homer. And by the end of year 1300 bc, operation expert nameds guy de chauliac permanent give explanation that caterpillar cause caries.
In papyrus draft edwin smith's, written in century 17 prechristian show tooth treatment activity existence during the period. In century 18 prechristian, code hammurabi recommend punishment pulls tooth as a punishment sanction. investigation in historical ruins from ancient egypt and ancient greek shows store teeth treatment proof existence and surgery at that period
Greek scholar that is hipokrates and aristoteles write about pattern eruption (appearance) tooth, danger caries and pyorrhea, tooth revocation with pliers, with wire use to care labile tooth and broken jaw. Roman period well-being journal author cornelius celsus writes about savage disease development in mouth with substance use that uses narcotics ingredient in tooth medical treatment.
Follow history, tooth revocation has been done since yore to overcome assorted troubleshoot in mouth hole. along middle ages bc and century 19, tooth medical not a profession that selfsupporting. Oftentimes tooth medical treatment is done by barber or general physician. Barber usually limit only in ill tooth or infection. In century to 14 bc guy de chauliac find tool dental pelican to pull tooth. then in century 18 replaced with key dental. Final replaced by modern tooth pliers to pulls tooth.
First book focus discusses about tooth medical" artzney buchlein" rise year 1530. and first book in english book" operator for the teeth" by charles allen that rise in the year 1685. Tooth medical science rapidlies grow in time distance 1650 - 1800 that be fondasi base modern tooth medical science. Mentioned that medical expert nameds pierre fauchard that begin it. Between many his brainchilds is use intensively dental prothesis (faked tooth), tooth patching introduction for treatment caries, and statement that sugar or carbohydrate is the root cause caries.
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