Toothache, in the scientific term often is called with term odontalgia. pain that around tooth. in majority case, the cause toothache comes from troubleshoot that in tooth and jaw alongs with alternative the solution,
among others:
  • Problem in tooth surface (hole or karies), the solution with done network appointment that broken and continued with patching
  • Disease in network gingiva (gum), the solution with do dirt cleaning (plaque, calculus, stain) in tooth with therapy scaling or kuretase.
  • Teeth impaksi (tooth that grow below par space deficit consequence at gum), the solution with do procedure odontektomi
  • Consequence broken tooth trauma, the solution can revocation or crown tooth maker
  • Pulpa tooth infection, the solution with treatment pulpa consist of pulpektomi, pulpotomi, pulp capping, and others
  • Jaw difference, the solution with do occlusion correction passes treatment orthodontik
  • Gum consequence opened tooth root recession (decrease)s, the solution with do treatment periodontik
  • Heart sickness existence indication likes angina or infark miokard
Cruelty or the mortally pain can diversified to begin from light pain until great pain. this pain can be feeled chronicly or sporadic. Pain in tooth can increase mortally mastication activity existence consequence or hot temperature stimulus existence or cold. Complete check-up with radiographic diagnosis very helps to find cause from pain that. Mortally pain can be assumed as emergency tooth medical.

Pain usually happen in pressure change consequence special condition is called Barodontalgia. Barodontalgia this is many happen in workers at ocean and aviation often face pressure change extremely height change consequence or depth.


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