Tooth and Body System
Without tooth existence, human will difficult to consume food. Follow its task, tooth belongs from digestion system. tooth grows in mortar in the jaw and has tissues likes in bone, but tooth not part from sketch. follow the development, tooth more many the similarities with skin than with bone.

Tooth kind
Tooth has four tooth kinds to share task chews food, that is:
1. Incisor:
flat formed and sharp to slice food.
2. Caninus:
pointed the end to tears up and bribe food.
3. Premolar (molar in front of):
It has concave form to slice and soften food.
4. Molar (hind molar):
It has concave form to slice and soften food.

Tooth composition
  • crown: jut from jaw
  • root: planted in jaw
  • neck: between crown and root
  • email: overlay crown, be aloud substance in body
  • dentin: principal hollowing at the end of tooth, resemble bone
  • sementum: hard layer at around root
  • pulp: nerve full soft network and blood vessel


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