Toothpick is the object of our search, especially after we eat fibrous foods such as vegetables and meat. Even have a friend who can not live without this one item ... .... hayah, so he was always prepared as a toothpick oeuvre last ... hihihi

But do use the toothpick is not excessive and can be dangerous to clean? Use a toothpick is not appropriate network software can harm the surrounding teeth. This could cause keradangan on the network software mukosa mouth cavity. In addition, the distance between the interdental teeth into the sides increases the size of the diameter of large toothpick. Irritation and trauma due to the ongoing use toothpick can cause benjolan in the gingiva (gum) which is known by the name of epulis.

Incidence is quite large epulis on the patients who come to my practice. At least a week where I found three patients who eventually epulis I eksisi (cutting epulis).

Epulis because the toothpick over and does not clean / sterile was not called epulis fibromatosa. Epulis this clinical picture have benjolan bertangkai (separate from the network soft gingiva), soft, pale-colored, is not easy to bleed, and not sick. Epulis handling this is to eksisi (cutting) and kuretage (curette network software).

Kekambuhan if possible use the toothpick habit excessive and do not remain sterile.

We recommend to take the remaining food on the teeth and gum more secure if used toothbrushes or dental floss diameternya a smaller size is used.

It is important in using the toothbrush that is determining the size of the right toothbrush. if medium, hard or soft. If you choose the wrong size brush, brush the teeth with the use of the size that is too hard to eat can cause abrasion (erosion) on the teeth. While the size that is too soft, can cause teeth to become less cleaning.

Then use a toothbrush with the right direction also determine. To gear up, brush direction is from top to bottom one direction while the bottom is for the teeth from the bottom to the top of the one-way, so that the dirt that is not re-fetched. Then, the field oklusal tooth comb.

Dental Floss used to clean the interdental (gap between the teeth). There are dental Floss bertangkai and that does not bertangkai.
Now ready to replace the pin with a tooth brush and tooth dental Floss kan?


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